Award Winners

Distinguished Service Award

This award is given annually to a member who has served the accounting profession through volunteering on committees, the Board of Directors, task forces, Board of Accountancy, AICPA committees, or in other capacities to benefit the accounting profession within South Dakota and across the nation. Members of the SDCPAS nominate other members for this prestigious honor or the Board of Directors selects. It is awarded at the annual convention and is based on service through previous years.

1985 - 86
Al Schweiss & Roy Ketel
1986 - 87
Dennis Carson
1988 - 89
Gretchen Cooney
1989 - 90
Don Wohlenberg
1990 - 91
Frank Short
1991 - 92
Jerald B. Davis
1992 - 93
Wilbur Blundell
1993 - 94
Steven Trapp
1994 - 95
Daniel Hylland
1995 - 96
John Walker
1996 - 97
Don De Haan
1997 - 98
Ron Tedrow
1998 - 99
Mary Montoya
1999 - 00
Rod McGinnis
2000 - 01
Fred Krush
2001 - 02
Tom Haber
2002 - 03
Dixie Wilson
2003 - 04
Gerald Moench
2004 - 05
Kyle Repp
2005 - 06
Mark Engelhart
2006 - 07
Terry Nemec
2007 - 08
Dennis DeSmet
2008 - 09
David Olson
2009 - 10
Joy Feige
2010 - 11
Darrell Strivens
2011 - 12
Jean Smith
2012 - 13
Jay Tolsma 
2013 - 14 
Jill Whitley 
2014 - 15 
Clark Kraemer 
2015 - 16
Pam Olinger
2016 - 17
Joylynn Buus
2017 - 18
Kevin Doyle
2018 - 19
Mark Hopfinger
2019 - 20
Amy Bourne

2020 - 21
Tom Bahrenfuss

2021 - 22
JoLynn Sorum

2022 - 23
Jenny Donovan




Outstanding Young Professional Award

This award reflects the contributions of our younger members. The winner of this award is a CPA who has been a member of the SDCPAS less than three years and has assumed leadership responsibility through service on a committee, as a liaison, or in some other way. The recommendation comes from the Executive Director for Board approval, and the winner is announced at the annual convention.

1984 - 85
Kathy Nordstrom
1985 - 86
Jody Obr
1986 - 87
Mike Bannwarth & Wes Nelson
1987 - 88
Rex Unterbrunner
1988 - 89
Greg Hollibaugh
1989 - 90
Randy Woltman
1990 - 91
Kevin Buell
1991 - 92
Christina Sedlacek
1992 - 93
Carrie Roache
1993 - 94
Becky Wittrock
1994 - 95
Sandra Horst
1995 - 96
Jeannette Smith
1996 - 97
Ross Determan
1997 - 98
Russ Werner
1998 - 99
Greg Feiner
1999 - 00
Becky Dockter
2001 - 02
Sheila Romkema
2003 - 04
Sarah Snyder
2005 - 06
Leah Van Dam
2008 - 09
Dana Thomas
2009 - 10
Ben Ellingson
2010 - 11
Mark Broders
2011 - 12
Rachel Buse-Flaskey
2012 - 13
Tom Bahrenfuss
2013 - 14
Luke Edwards 
2014 - 15
Amy Nachtigal
2015 - 16 
Lindsay Stevenson 
2016 - 17 
Beatrice Skyberg 
2017 - 18 
Kyle Kopren 
2018 - 19 
Brady Larsen 
2019 - 20 
Carlye Johnson 
2020 - 21 
Kellen Garrison 
2021 - 22 
Kaylee Babcock 
2022 - 23 
Maisee Schroeder 



Outstanding Committee Person

The Board of Directors annually selects a recipient of this award from the list of committee persons in order to acknowledge one of them for his/her outstanding service on a committee.

1983 - 84
Barry Simns & John Wenande
1984 - 85
Dan Loveland
1985 - 86
Tom Haber
1986 - 87
Steve Trapp
1987 - 88
Randy Koepsell & Ron Tedrow
1988 - 89
Mike Bannwarth
1989 - 90
Dennis DeSmet
1990 - 91
Randy Woltman
1991 - 92
Michele Johnson
1992 - 93
Mathew Ressegieu
1993 - 94
Ronald Millar
1994 - 95
Kathryn Nordstrom & Carrie Roache
1995 - 96
Kyle Repp
1996 - 97
Becky Wittrock
1997 - 98
Jay Tolsma
1998 - 99
Peter Liberko
1999 - 00
Joy Feige
2000 - 01
Pam Olinger
2001 - 02
Joylynn Buus & Jill Whitley
2003 - 04
Stacy Buckley
2004 - 05
JoLynn Sorum & Mary Pat Mullen
2005 - 06
Clair Wuebben
2007 - 08
Dustin Flatten
2008 - 09
Ashley Brandt-Duda
2009 - 10
Amy Bourne & Sara Andrews
2010 - 11
Callie Beisch
2011 - 12
Erik Gilbertson
2012 - 13 
James Walti 
2013 - 14
Erik Gilbertson
2014 - 15 
Jonathan Guenther 
2015 - 16 
Angie Hillestad 
2016 - 17 
Corey Fishel
2017 - 18 
James Buss 
2018 - 19 
Timothy Bergstrom
2019 - 20 
Sharla Reisch
2020 - 21 
Amy Weiler
2021 - 22 
Sara Andrews
2022 - 23 
Devin Pfaff



Public Service Award

This is a joint SDCPAS/AICPA award program which recognizes CPAs who have established a record of community service at the local, state or national level. Members are very active in civic, religious, educational, recreational, athletic, and other projects. Some winners have been involved in a wide variety of projects while others have selected a handful of activities and pursued them.

1988 - 89
Larry Ritz
1989 - 90
Al Schweiss
1990 - 91
Kyle Repp
1991 - 92
John Carmody, Sr.
1992 - 93
Dennis Stene
1993 - 94
Michael Finnegan
1994 - 95
Casey Peterson
1995 - 96
John Wenande
1996 - 97
Dale Sander
1997 - 98
Wilbur Blundell
1999 - 00
David Pummel
2000 - 01
Mary Montoya
2003 - 04
Mary Dally
2009 - 10
Holly Brunick
2010 - 11
Randy Knecht
2011 - 12 
Dean Buckenberg 
2012 - 13 
Dana Jackson
2013 - 14
Holly Engelhart
2014 - 15 
Keith Severson 
2016 - 17 
Kevin Stulken 



Outstanding Educator Award

The Relations with Education Committee accepts nomination from students, members and institutions across South Dakota to recognize an educator who is employed at least half time by a college or university in South Dakota in the accounting department, subject to Board approval. Depending upon the circumstances, this award is presented at the convention or in a special ceremony, and the winner does not need to be a CPA or a member of the SDCPAS.

1989 - 90
Richard Buckles
1992 - 93
Michele Johnson
1993 - 94
Lorella Donlin
1994 - 95
Thomas Davies
1996 - 97
Paul Everson
2009 - 10
Dick English
2013 - 14
Brad Van Kalsbeek
2019 - 20
Loren Koepsell
2020 - 21
Karen Davies




Innovative User Technology

1998 - 99
Brent Siekman